
The Argo programme of profiling oceanographic floats provides data freely and without restriction from the global full-depth interdisciplinary Argo observing network. Argo is coordinated by a steering team and data management team and supported by Jcommops:

The array consists of floats serving one or more of three primary missions:

  • Core Argo – pressure, temperature and salinity to 2000 m
  • Deep Argo – pressure, temperature and salinity to 6000 m
  • Biogeochemical Argo – core measurements plus the following BGC measurements to 2000 m:
    • oxygen
    • pH
    • nitrate
    • irradiance
    • particle backscatter
    • chlorophyll-a fluorescence

Argo data is primarily available to users from the ftp servers at two Global Argo Data Centres (GDACs), which also have HTTPS access:

Data is also available via:

The data transmitted from Argo floats is managed by a network of Argo Data Assembly Centres (DACs):

  • AOML
  • BODC
  • Coriolis
  • CSIO
  • JMA
  • KMA
  • MEDS

A set of Argo Regional Centres (ARCs) work to ensure basin-scale data quality:

The Euro Argo European Research Infrastructure Consortium provides the following tools: